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College Students

Our culture depicts college as a mostly exciting, positive time in life emphasizing its role as a gateway to freedom, independence, lifelong friendships and new or first-time love. Undoubtedly, college offers a plethora of opportunities for all these experiences and more. 

However, all the prospective positive experiences potentiated in college life also necessitate a great degree of psychological strain. Challenges include the adjustment to living away from home for the first time, immersing oneself in an entirely new social environment with few or no friends and family, navigating a less structured academic environment, and juggling conflicting obligations such as school, peer relationships and work- all of which can prove overwhelming for many. 

​Contemporary college students additionally grapple with a myriad of unprecedented difficulties, including the rising cost of living, stringent admission requirements for desirable majors, and uncertainty regarding post-grad job prospects. Moreover the combination of institutional flaws of college, modern day politics and the aftermath of the recent pandemic produce a more dynamic and sometimes challenging social landscape than ever before.

Fashion Portrait

Having personally experienced both the struggles and the growth inherent in college life, I find myself well-equipped to assist individuals in navigating this simultaneously thrilling and troublesome period of life. My approach to each client is tailored to the individual, incorporating a blend of nonjudgmental listening, deep exploration of emotions, values, belief systems, examination of early childhood experiences, integration of trauma, and practical skill building. 

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